”Year 2043: an indeterminate place, possibly known in a distant time as Earth. Undetermined beings, possibly known in a distant time as humans … We have long since ceased to care for ourselves, to care for our environment, to revere our mother nature, and now the Plastic god is lord and master of all. And now, the Plastic God is lord and master of all. Is there any glimmer of hope? Is there any secret hiding place? ”
The first part of the trilogy, co-produced by the XXXI FAICP of Bosa, Bogotá, Colombia. The show is born with the intention of creating a dystopian universe through one of the materials that is most present in our society, plastic.
Escondites Secrets (Amagatalls Secrets) is a family show where young and old can become aware of an issue that affects us all. Through this gestural comedy we reflect how the vanity and opulence of human beings leads us to self-destruction.
It is a poetic and beautiful work, but it is also a play that is punk, ironic and funny. It is a profound yet naïve play, where the acting work is of great importance and the actors are constantly in direct communication with the spectator.
One of the most curious characteristics of this production is the careful aesthetics of the show; the costumes and props are made from recycled plastic material (upcycling).
Directed by:
Vicent Martí i Xar
Paula Escamilla
Diana Bernal
Oscar Luna
José Gómez
Carla Escamilla
Lara Monferrer
Samu Parejo
Costume design:
Maria Dolores Calduch
Josep Gil
Scenography/stage construction:
Saltirelles, Oscar Luna,
Manuel Ortí “Rabassa”
Angel Carrasco “El Nano”
Graphic design and art director:
Josep Gil
Josep Gil
Camera operator:
Eric Benajes
Pablo Serrano
Miguel Serrano
Eric Benajes
Josep Gil
Leandre Ll. Escamilla i
Venus Albeiro Silva (Colombia)
The work is very adaptable to open spaces: a square, a street, a multipurpose room, an industrial building …
A light shot and a person in charge of the organization to control the scenery.
If the performance is at night or inside a building you may need a lighting equipment. Consult.
A diaphanous space, without traffic, in which the work fits and the audience. And a place to change with shower.
If it is inside a multipurpose room, it must be at least 5 meters high.
The collaboration of two children is requested to intervene in the final scene.
1h 30 ’
1 hour.
Do not.
The work is very adaptable to any space.
Yes. In addition, a later forum theater can be added with the company.
© Escandall Teatral. 2021